Sunday, February 28, 2016

Happy Ear Day!

This is an ear cake. Today was ear day in my acoustics class, and few things on earth deserve a cake and celebration when discussing them more than the ear. The more you learn about it's detailed inner workings the more you realize it is one of the most fascinating and awe-inspiring parts of life. Without going into too many specifics right now....the simple fact that minute pressure variations in the air (on the order of .0000003% of the atmospheric pressure that constantly surrounds us) can be turned into mechanical vibrations by three little bones and then get turned to electrical impulses by something that looks like a pea-sized seashell has the ability to make us tap our foot, bob our head, jump up and down, get goose bumps, and even weep from the shear beauty of how invisible waterfronts are strategically aligned (aka music) is something my brain will never be able to accept as anything other than magical and Divine. Happy ear day everyone! #EarCake